About Us

Where it all Started
It all began with a quest of finding the most prominent ways to boost one’s immunity and pursuit towards a healthier lifestyle.
In doing so, found that the most important parameters for a healthy living is the food which we consume, hence three parameters pushed us to think about way forward toward this goal.


The food we eat, has a major role to play in our life and our health. So, it very important to know, how is our food being prepared, from where the produce like vegetable, spices and oils are produce.

In Indian traditional cooking Oils play a major role, so does it play in providing our body ‘The Good & The Bad’ fats.

So, research on the regular commercial Refined oils manufacturing process was an eye opener. All refined oils are product from seeds which are heated to a temperature of 115 Fahrenheit and extraction is done by use of chemical solvent and colour and odour is removed by use of bleaching agent. The whole process is so much cumbersome that natural nutritional values get diminished. To enhance these values artificial nutrient are added.
These oils are slow poison to our body.

After these parameters surface to light, main question aroused what can be done to change this. Suddenly we realised the answer lies in our tradition method called as “Kachi Ghani” or “MarraChekku” or “Wood pressed” or in todays world called as “Cold Pressed”

Since these oils are produce but just pressing the seeds in pestles with use of any chemicals, this method not only retains Oils its natural nutritional values but also it retains aroma and its flavour.

At Amrutalya we strive toward making a heathier ecosystem not only for the consumer but also for the farmer, hence seeds are directly sourced from farmer so that right price for his produce can be paid to farmer, also consumer get benefited by getting 100% Natural & 100% Chemical free product.

Amrutalya as the name suggests “Amrut- like” brings to you 100% natural, preservative free and unprocessed products. Founded in 2020, our vision is to transform the Indian food industry by providing best in the class “Natural products” to the community by maintaining our implacable principles as we grow.

We not only drive value addition to the farmers' produce by eliminating merchants but also ensure that everything we do contributes to the welfare of the society.

“Heath in your Hands”